16#define JOINTIDCHECK if (j >= castToMapper(helper)->axes()){yError("joint id out of bound"); return false;}
21 intBuffManager(nullptr),
22 doubleBuffManager(nullptr)
175bool StubImplPositionDirectRaw::NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED(
const char *func)
178 yError(
"%s: not yet implemented\n", func);
180 yError(
"Function not yet implemented\n");
yarp::dev::ControlBoardHelper * castToMapper(void *p)
void posE2A(double enc, int j, double &ang, int &k)
void posA2E(double ang, int j, double &enc, int &k)
Interface for a generic control board device implementing position control in encoder coordinates.
virtual bool setPositionsRaw(const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *refs)=0
Set new reference point for all axes.
virtual bool setPositionRaw(int j, double ref)=0
Set new position for a single axis.
virtual bool getRefPositionsRaw(double *refs)
Get the last position reference for all axes.
virtual bool getRefPositionRaw(const int joint, double *ref)
Get the last position reference for the specified axis.
bool getRefPositions(double *refs) override
Get the last position reference for all axes.
virtual ~ImplementPositionDirect()
IPositionDirectRaw * iPDirect
ImplementPositionDirect(yarp::dev::IPositionDirectRaw *y)
bool setPositions(const int n_joint, const int *joints, const double *refs) override
Set new reference point for all axes.
bool getAxes(int *axes) override
Get the number of controlled axes.
bool uninitialize()
Clean up internal data and memory.
yarp::dev::impl::FixedSizeBuffersManager< double > * doubleBuffManager
bool setPosition(int j, double ref) override
Set new position for a single axis.
bool getRefPosition(const int joint, double *ref) override
Get the last position reference for the specified axis.
bool initialize(int size, const int *amap, const double *enc, const double *zos)
Initialize the internal data and alloc memory.
yarp::dev::impl::FixedSizeBuffersManager< int > * intBuffManager
Buffer contains info about a buffer of type T and it is used to exchange information with yarp::dev::...
A manager of fixed size buffers in multi-thread environment.
std::size_t getBufferSize()
Get the number of elements of a buffer.
Buffer< T > getBuffer()
Get a buffer and fill its information in @buffer.
void releaseBuffer(Buffer< T > &buffer)
Release a buffer.
A mini-server for performing network communication in the background.
For streams capable of holding different kinds of content, check what they actually have.
An interface to the operating system, including Port based communication.