Yet Another Robot Platform
No Matches
depthCameraDriver Class Reference

depthCamera: YARP driver for OpenNI2 compatible devices. More...

#include <openNI2DepthCamera/depthCameraDriver.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for depthCameraDriver:

Public Member Functions

 depthCameraDriver ()
 ~depthCameraDriver ()
bool open (yarp::os::Searchable &config) override
 Open the DeviceDriver.
bool close () override
 Close the DeviceDriver.
int getRgbHeight () override
 Return the height of each frame.
int getRgbWidth () override
 Return the width of each frame.
bool getRgbSupportedConfigurations (yarp::sig::VectorOf< yarp::dev::CameraConfig > &configurations) override
 Get the possible configurations of the camera.
bool getRgbResolution (int &width, int &height) override
 Get the resolution of the rgb image from the camera.
bool setRgbResolution (int width, int height) override
 Set the resolution of the rgb image from the camera.
bool getRgbFOV (double &horizontalFov, double &verticalFov) override
 Get the field of view (FOV) of the rgb camera.
bool setRgbFOV (double horizontalFov, double verticalFov) override
 Set the field of view (FOV) of the rgb camera.
bool getRgbMirroring (bool &mirror) override
 Get the mirroring setting of the sensor.
bool setRgbMirroring (bool mirror) override
 Set the mirroring setting of the sensor.
bool getRgbIntrinsicParam (Property &intrinsic) override
 Get the intrinsic parameters of the rgb camera.
int getDepthHeight () override
 Return the height of each frame.
int getDepthWidth () override
 Return the height of each frame.
bool setDepthResolution (int width, int height) override
 Set the resolution of the depth image from the camera.
bool getDepthFOV (double &horizontalFov, double &verticalFov) override
 Get the field of view (FOV) of the depth camera.
bool setDepthFOV (double horizontalFov, double verticalFov) override
 Set the field of view (FOV) of the depth camera.
bool getDepthIntrinsicParam (Property &intrinsic) override
 Get the intrinsic parameters of the depth camera.
double getDepthAccuracy () override
 Get the minimum detectable variation in distance [meter].
bool setDepthAccuracy (double accuracy) override
 Set the minimum detectable variation in distance [meter] when possible.
bool getDepthClipPlanes (double &nearPlane, double &farPlane) override
 Get the clipping planes of the sensor.
bool setDepthClipPlanes (double nearPlane, double farPlane) override
 Set the clipping planes of the sensor.
bool getDepthMirroring (bool &mirror) override
 Get the mirroring setting of the sensor.
bool setDepthMirroring (bool mirror) override
 Set the mirroring setting of the sensor.
bool getExtrinsicParam (yarp::sig::Matrix &extrinsic) override
 Get the extrinsic parameters from the device.
bool getRgbImage (FlexImage &rgbImage, Stamp *timeStamp=NULL) override
 Get the rgb frame from the device.
bool getDepthImage (depthImage &depthImage, Stamp *timeStamp=NULL) override
bool getImages (FlexImage &colorFrame, depthImage &depthFrame, Stamp *colorStamp=NULL, Stamp *depthStamp=NULL) override
RGBDSensor_status getSensorStatus () override
 Get the surrent status of the sensor, using enum type.
std::string getLastErrorMsg (Stamp *timeStamp=NULL) override
 Return an error message in case of error.
bool getCameraDescription (CameraDescriptor *camera) override
 Get a basic description of the camera hw.
bool hasFeature (int feature, bool *hasFeature) override
 Check if camera has the requested feature (saturation, brightness ... )
bool setFeature (int feature, double value) override
 Set the requested feature to a value (saturation, brightness ... )
bool getFeature (int feature, double *value) override
 Get the current value for the requested feature.
bool setFeature (int feature, double value1, double value2) override
 Set the requested feature to a value using 2 params (like white balance)
bool getFeature (int feature, double *value1, double *value2) override
 Get the current value for the requested feature.
bool hasOnOff (int feature, bool *HasOnOff) override
 Check if the camera has the ability to turn on/off the requested feature.
bool setActive (int feature, bool onoff) override
 Set the requested feature on or off.
bool getActive (int feature, bool *isActive) override
 Get the current status of the feature, on or off.
bool hasAuto (int feature, bool *hasAuto) override
 Check if the requested feature has the 'auto' mode.
bool hasManual (int feature, bool *hasManual) override
 Check if the requested feature has the 'manual' mode.
bool hasOnePush (int feature, bool *hasOnePush) override
 Check if the requested feature has the 'onePush' mode.
bool setMode (int feature, FeatureMode mode) override
 Set the requested mode for the feature.
bool getMode (int feature, FeatureMode *mode) override
 Get the current mode for the feature.
bool setOnePush (int feature) override
 Set the requested feature to a value (saturation, brightness ... )
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::DeviceDriver
 DeviceDriver ()
 DeviceDriver (const DeviceDriver &other)=delete
 DeviceDriver (DeviceDriver &&other) noexcept=delete
DeviceDriveroperator= (const DeviceDriver &other)=delete
DeviceDriveroperator= (DeviceDriver &&other) noexcept=delete
virtual ~DeviceDriver ()
virtual std::string id () const
 Return the id assigned to the PolyDriver.
virtual void setId (const std::string &id)
 Set the id for this device.
template<class T >
bool view (T *&x)
 Get an interface to the device driver.
virtual DeviceDrivergetImplementation ()
 Some drivers are bureaucrats, pointing at others.
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor
virtual ~IRGBDSensor ()
bool getRgbSupportedConfigurations (yarp::sig::VectorOf< CameraConfig > &configurations) override
 Get the possible configurations of the camera.
bool getRgbResolution (int &width, int &height) override
 Get the resolution of the rgb image from the camera.
virtual bool getDepthImage (yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelFloat > &depthImage, yarp::os::Stamp *timeStamp=nullptr)=0
 Get the depth frame from the device.
virtual bool getImages (yarp::sig::FlexImage &colorFrame, yarp::sig::ImageOf< yarp::sig::PixelFloat > &depthFrame, yarp::os::Stamp *colorStamp=nullptr, yarp::os::Stamp *depthStamp=nullptr)=0
 Get the both the color and depth frame in a single call.
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams
virtual ~IRgbVisualParams ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IDepthVisualParams
virtual ~IDepthVisualParams ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls
virtual ~IFrameGrabberControls ()
std::string busType2String (BusType type)
FeatureMode toFeatureMode (bool _auto)

Static Public Member Functions

static int pixFormatToCode (openni::PixelFormat p)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor
enum  RGBDSensor_status {

Detailed Description

depthCamera: YARP driver for OpenNI2 compatible devices.

@ingroup dev_impl_media

This device driver exposes the IRGBDSensor and IFrameGrabberControls interfaces to read the images and operate on the available settings.

See the documentation for more details about each interface.

This device is paired with its server called rgbdSensor_nws_yarp to stream the images and perform remote operations.


The "SETTINGS" section is meant for read/write parameters, meaning parameters which can be get and set by the device. A common case of setting is the image resolution in pixel. This setting will be read by the device and it'll be applied in the startup phase. If the setting fails, the device will terminate the execution with a error message.

The "HW_DESCRIPTION" section is meant for read only parameters which describe the hardware property of the device and cannot be provided by the device through software API. A common case is the 'Field Of View' property, which may or may not be supported by the physical device. When a property is present in the HW_DESCRIPTION group, the YARP RGBDSensorClient will report this value when asked for and setting will be disabled. This group can also be used to by-pass OpenNI2 API in case some functionality is not correctly working with the current device. For example the 'clipPlanes' property may return incorrect values or values using non-standard measurement unit. In this case using the HW_DESCRIPTION, a user can override the value got from OpenNI2 API with a custom value.

Parameters inside the HW_DESCRIPTION are read only, so the relative set functionality will be disabled.
For parameters which are neither in SETTINGS nor in HW_DESCRIPTION groups, read / write functionality is assumed but not initial setting will be performed. Device will start with manufacturer default values.
A single parameter cannot be present into both SETTINGS and HW_DESCRIPTION groups.

The [RGB/DEPTH_INTRINSIC_PARAMETERS] group describe the camera intrinsic parameters for rgb and depth respectively.

Right now only 'plumb_bob' (pinhole camera) distortion model is supported.

The [EXTRINSIC_PARAMETERS] group describe the position of the depth camera in the rgb camera frame. It is composed of a 4x4 rototranslation matrix.

: whenever more then one value is required by the setting, the values must be in parenthesys!
YARP device name

Parameters used by this device are:

Parameter name SubParameter Type Read / write Units Default Value Required Description Notes
SETTINGS - group Read / write - - Yes Initial setting of the device. Properties must be read/writable in order for setting to work
rgbResolution int, int Read / write pixels - Alternative to HW_DESCRIPTION Size of rgb image in pixels 2 values expected as height, width
depthResolution int, int Read / write pixels - Alternative to HW_DESCRIPTION Size of depth image in pixels Values are height, width
accuracy double Read / write meters - Alternative to HW_DESCRIPTION Accuracy of the device, as the depth measurement error at 1 meter distance
rgbFOV double, double Read / write degrees - Alternative to HW_DESCRIPTION Horizontal and Vertical fields of view of the rgb camera 2 values expected as horizontal and vertical FOVs
depthFOV double, double Read / write degrees - Alternative to HW_DESCRIPTION Horizontal and Vertical fields of view of the depth camera 2 values expected as horizontal and vertical FOVs
rgbMirroring bool Read / write true/false false Alternative to HW_DESCRIPTION Set the mirroring to the acquired rgb image
depthMirroring bool Read / write true/false false Alternative to HW_DESCRIPTION Set the mirroring to the acquired depth image
clipPlanes double, double Read / write meters - Alternative to HW_DESCRIPTION Minimum and maximum distance at which an object is seen by the depth sensor parameter introduced mainly for simulated sensors, it can be used to set the clip planes if Openni gives wrong values
HW_DESCRIPTION - group - - Yes Hardware description of device property. Read only property. Setting will be disabled
same as 'SETTINGS' group - Read only - - Alternative to SETTING group Parameters here are alternative to the SETTING group
RGB_INTRINSIC_PARAMETERS - group - - Yes Description of rgb camera visual parameters
physFocalLength double m - Yes Physical focal length of the lens in meters
focalLengthX double pixel - Yes Horizontal component of the focal length as a multiple of pixel width
focalLengthY double pixel - Yes Vertical component of the focal length as a multiple of pixel height
principalPointX double pixel - Yes X coordinate of the principal point
principalPointY double pixel - Yes Y coordinate of the principal point
distortionModel string - - Yes Reference to group of parameters describing the distortion model of the camera, example 'rgbDistortionModelGroup' This is only another group's name to be searched for in the config file
name string - - Yes Name of the distortion model, see notes right now only 'plumb_bob' is supported
k1 double - - Yes
k2 double - - Yes
k3 double - - Yes
t1 double - - Yes
t2 double - - Yes
DEPTH_INTRINSIC_PARAMETERS - group - - Yes Description of depth camera visual parameters
physFocalLength double m - Yes Physical focal length of the lens in meters
focalLengthX double pixel - Yes Horizontal component of the focal length as a multiple of pixel width
focalLengthY double pixel - Yes Vertical component of the focal length as a multiple of pixel height
principalPointX double pixel - Yes X coordinate of the principal point
principalPointY double pixel - Yes Y coordinate of the principal point
distortionModel string - - Yes Reference to group of parameters describing the distortion model of the camera, example 'depthDistortionModelGroup' This is another group's name to be searched for in the config file
name string - - Yes Name of the distortion model, see notes right now only 'plumb_bob' is supported
k1 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
k2 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
k3 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
t1 double - - Yes Tangential distortion of the lens
t2 double - - Yes Tangential distortion of the lens
transformation 4x4 double matrix - - Yes trasformation matrix between depth optical frame to the rgb one

Configuration file using .ini format, using subdevice keyword.

device rgbdSensor_nws_yarp
subdevice depthCamera
name /depthCamera
accuracy 0.001
depthResolution (320 240) #Note the parentesys
rgbResolution (320 240)
rgbMirroring false
depthMirroring false
clipPlanes (0.4 4.5)
physFocalLength 0.5
focalLengthX 1.0
focalLengthY 2.0
principalPointX 256.0
principalPointY 128.0
distortionModel rgb_distortion
name plumb_bob
k1 1.0
k2 2.0
t1 3.0
t2 4.0
k3 5.0
physFocalLength 0.5
focalLengthX 1.0
focalLengthY 2.0
principalPointX 256.0
principalPointY 128.0
distortionModel depth_distortion
name plumb_bob
k1 1.0
k2 2.0
t1 3.0
t2 4.0
k3 5.0
transformation (1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)

Definition at line 180 of file depthCameraDriver.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ depthCameraDriver()

depthCameraDriver::depthCameraDriver ( )

Definition at line 134 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ ~depthCameraDriver()

depthCameraDriver::~depthCameraDriver ( )

Definition at line 149 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ close()

bool depthCameraDriver::close ( )

Close the DeviceDriver.

true/false on success/failure.

Reimplemented from yarp::dev::DeviceDriver.

Definition at line 450 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getActive()

bool depthCameraDriver::getActive ( int  feature,
bool isActive 

Get the current status of the feature, on or off.

featurethe identifier of the feature to check
isActiveflag true if the feature is active, false otherwise
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1059 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getCameraDescription()

bool depthCameraDriver::getCameraDescription ( CameraDescriptor camera)

Get a basic description of the camera hw.

This is mainly used to determine the HW bus type in order to choose the corresponding interface for advanced controls.

devicereturns an identifier for the bus
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 897 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getDepthAccuracy()

double depthCameraDriver::getDepthAccuracy ( )

Get the minimum detectable variation in distance [meter].

the sensor resolution in meters.

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 688 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getDepthClipPlanes()

bool depthCameraDriver::getDepthClipPlanes ( double nearPlane,
double farPlane 

Get the clipping planes of the sensor.

nearPlaneminimum distance at which the sensor start measuring. Object closer than this distance will not be detected.
farPlanemaximum distance beyond which the sensor stop measuring. Object farther than this distance will not be detected.
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 697 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getDepthFOV()

bool depthCameraDriver::getDepthFOV ( double horizontalFov,
double verticalFov 

Get the field of view (FOV) of the depth camera.

horizontalFovwill return the value of the horizontal fov in degrees
verticalFovwill return the value of the vertical fov in degrees
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 670 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getDepthHeight()

int depthCameraDriver::getDepthHeight ( )

Return the height of each frame.

depth image height

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 652 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getDepthImage()

bool depthCameraDriver::getDepthImage ( depthImage depthImage,
Stamp timeStamp = NULL 

Definition at line 759 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getDepthIntrinsicParam()

bool depthCameraDriver::getDepthIntrinsicParam ( Property intrinsic)

Get the intrinsic parameters of the depth camera.

intrinsicreturn a Property containing intrinsic parameters of the optical model of the camera.
true if success

The yarp::os::Property describing the intrinsic parameters is expected to be in the form:

Parameter name SubParameter Type Units Default Value Required Description Notes
physFocalLength - double m - Yes Physical focal length of the lens in meters
focalLengthX - double pixel - Yes Horizontal component of the focal length as a multiple of pixel width
focalLengthY - double pixel - Yes Vertical component of the focal length as a multiple of pixel height
principalPointX - double pixel - Yes X coordinate of the principal point
principalPointY - double pixel - Yes Y coordinate of the principal point
rectificationMatrix - 4x4 double matrix - - Yes Matrix that describes the lens' distortion
distortionModel - string - - Yes Reference to group of parameters describing the distortion model of the camera, example 'cameraDistortionModelGroup' This is another group's name to be searched for in the config file
name string - - Yes Name of the distortion model, see notes right now only 'plumb_bob' is supported
k1 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
k2 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
k3 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
t1 double - - Yes Tangential distortion of the lens
t2 double - - Yes Tangential distortion of the lens

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 683 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getDepthMirroring()

bool depthCameraDriver::getDepthMirroring ( bool mirror)

Get the mirroring setting of the sensor.

mirrortrue if image is mirrored, false otherwise
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IDepthVisualParams.

Definition at line 725 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getDepthWidth()

int depthCameraDriver::getDepthWidth ( )

Return the height of each frame.

depth image height

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 661 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getExtrinsicParam()

bool depthCameraDriver::getExtrinsicParam ( yarp::sig::Matrix extrinsic)

Get the extrinsic parameters from the device.

extrinsicreturn a rototranslation matrix describing the position of the depth optical frame with respect to the rgb frame
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 748 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getFeature() [1/2]

bool depthCameraDriver::getFeature ( int  feature,
double value 

Get the current value for the requested feature.

featurethe identifier of the feature to read
valuepointer to current value of the feature, from 0 to 1 expressed as a percentage
returns true on success, false on failure.

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 966 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getFeature() [2/2]

bool depthCameraDriver::getFeature ( int  feature,
double value1,
double value2 

Get the current value for the requested feature.

featurethe identifier of the feaature to read
value1returns the current value of the feature, from 0 to 1 expressed as a percentage
value2returns the current value of the feature, from 0 to 1 expressed as a percentage
returns true on success, false on failure.

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1002 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getImages()

bool depthCameraDriver::getImages ( FlexImage colorFrame,
depthImage depthFrame,
Stamp colorStamp = NULL,
Stamp depthStamp = NULL 

Definition at line 860 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getLastErrorMsg()

std::string depthCameraDriver::getLastErrorMsg ( Stamp timeStamp = NULL)

Return an error message in case of error.

For debugging purpose and user notification. Error message will be reset after any successful command

A string explaining the last error occurred.

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 892 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getMode()

bool depthCameraDriver::getMode ( int  feature,
FeatureMode mode 

Get the current mode for the feature.

featurethe identifier of the feature to change
hasAutoflag true if the feature is has 'auto' mode, false otherwise
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1160 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getRgbFOV()

bool depthCameraDriver::getRgbFOV ( double horizontalFov,
double verticalFov 

Get the field of view (FOV) of the rgb camera.

horizontalFovwill return the value of the horizontal fov in degrees
verticalFovwill return the value of the vertical fov in degrees
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 599 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getRgbHeight()

int depthCameraDriver::getRgbHeight ( )

Return the height of each frame.

rgb image height

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 461 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getRgbImage()

bool depthCameraDriver::getRgbImage ( FlexImage rgbImage,
Stamp timeStamp = NULL 

Get the rgb frame from the device.

The pixel type of the source image will usually be set as a VOCAB_PIXEL_RGB, but the user can call the function with the pixel type of his/her choice. The conversion if possible, will be done automatically on client side (TO BO VERIFIED). Note: this will consume CPU power because it will not use GPU optimization. Use VOCAB_PIXEL_RGB for best performances.

rgbImagethe image to be filled.
timeStamptime in which the image was acquired. Optional, ignored if nullptr.
True on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 754 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getRgbIntrinsicParam()

bool depthCameraDriver::getRgbIntrinsicParam ( Property intrinsic)

Get the intrinsic parameters of the rgb camera.

intrinsicreturn a Property containing intrinsic parameters of the optical model of the camera.
true if success

The yarp::os::Property describing the intrinsic parameters is expected to be in the form:

Parameter name SubParameter Type Units Default Value Required Description Notes
physFocalLength - double m - Yes Physical focal length of the lens in meters
focalLengthX - double pixel - Yes Horizontal component of the focal length as a multiple of pixel width
focalLengthY - double pixel - Yes Vertical component of the focal length as a multiple of pixel height
principalPointX - double pixel - Yes X coordinate of the principal point
principalPointY - double pixel - Yes Y coordinate of the principal point
rectificationMatrix - 4x4 double matrix - - Yes Matrix that describes the lens' distortion
distortionModel - string - - Yes Reference to group of parameters describing the distortion model of the camera, example 'cameraDistortionModelGroup' This is another group's name to be searched for in the config file
name string - - Yes Name of the distortion model, see notes right now only 'plumb_bob' is supported
k1 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
k2 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
k3 double - - Yes Radial distortion coefficient of the lens
t1 double - - Yes Tangential distortion of the lens
t2 double - - Yes Tangential distortion of the lens

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 647 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getRgbMirroring()

bool depthCameraDriver::getRgbMirroring ( bool mirror)

Get the mirroring setting of the sensor.

mirrortrue if image is mirrored, false otherwise
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 612 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getRgbResolution()

bool depthCameraDriver::getRgbResolution ( int width,
int height 

Get the resolution of the rgb image from the camera.

widthimage width
heightimage height
true on success

Reimplemented from yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 487 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getRgbSupportedConfigurations()

bool depthCameraDriver::getRgbSupportedConfigurations ( yarp::sig::VectorOf< yarp::dev::CameraConfig > &  configurations)

Get the possible configurations of the camera.

configurationslist of camera supported configurations as CameraConfig type
true on success

Reimplemented from yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 481 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getRgbWidth()

int depthCameraDriver::getRgbWidth ( )

Return the width of each frame.

rgb image width

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 471 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ getSensorStatus()

IRGBDSensor::RGBDSensor_status depthCameraDriver::getSensorStatus ( )

Get the surrent status of the sensor, using enum type.

an enum representing the status of the robot or an error code if any error is present

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 865 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ hasAuto()

bool depthCameraDriver::hasAuto ( int  feature,
bool hasAuto 

Check if the requested feature has the 'auto' mode.

featurethe identifier of the feature to check
hasAutoflag true if the feature is has 'auto' mode, false otherwise
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1078 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ hasFeature()

bool depthCameraDriver::hasFeature ( int  feature,
bool hasFeature 

Check if camera has the requested feature (saturation, brightness ... )

featurethe identifier of the feature to check
hasFeatureflag value: true if the feature is present, false otherwise
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 904 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ hasManual()

bool depthCameraDriver::hasManual ( int  feature,
bool hasManual 

Check if the requested feature has the 'manual' mode.

featurethe identifier of the feature to check
hasAutoflag true if the feature is has 'manual' mode, false otherwise
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1097 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ hasOnePush()

bool depthCameraDriver::hasOnePush ( int  feature,
bool hasOnePush 

Check if the requested feature has the 'onePush' mode.

featurethe identifier of the feature to check
hasAutoflag true if the feature is has 'onePush' mode, false otherwise
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1116 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ hasOnOff()

bool depthCameraDriver::hasOnOff ( int  feature,
bool HasOnOff 

Check if the camera has the ability to turn on/off the requested feature.

featurethe identifier of the feature to change
hasOnOffflag true if this feature can be turned on/off, false otherwise.
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1008 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ open()

bool depthCameraDriver::open ( yarp::os::Searchable config)

Open the DeviceDriver.

configis a list of parameters for the device. Which parameters are effective for your device can vary. See device invocation examples. If there is no example for your device, you can run the "yarpdev" program with the verbose flag set to probe what parameters the device is checking. If that fails too, you'll need to read the source code (please nag one of the yarp developers to add documentation for your device).
true/false upon success/failure

Reimplemented from yarp::dev::DeviceDriver.

Definition at line 419 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ pixFormatToCode()

int depthCameraDriver::pixFormatToCode ( openni::PixelFormat  p)

Definition at line 764 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ setActive()

bool depthCameraDriver::setActive ( int  feature,
bool  onoff 

Set the requested feature on or off.

featurethe identifier of the feature to change
onofftrue to activate, off to deactivate the feature
returns true on success, false on failure.

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1027 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ setDepthAccuracy()

bool depthCameraDriver::setDepthAccuracy ( double  accuracy)

Set the minimum detectable variation in distance [meter] when possible.

thedesired resolution in meters.
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 565 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ setDepthClipPlanes()

bool depthCameraDriver::setDepthClipPlanes ( double  nearPlane,
double  farPlane 

Set the clipping planes of the sensor.

nearPlaneminimum distance at which the sensor start measuring. Object closer than this distance will not be detected.
farPlanemaximum distance beyond which the sensor stop measuring. Object farther than this distance will not be detected.
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 712 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ setDepthFOV()

bool depthCameraDriver::setDepthFOV ( double  horizontalFov,
double  verticalFov 

Set the field of view (FOV) of the depth camera.

horizontalFovwill set the value of the horizontal fov in degrees
verticalFovwill set the value of the vertical fov in degrees
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 556 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ setDepthMirroring()

bool depthCameraDriver::setDepthMirroring ( bool  mirror)

Set the mirroring setting of the sensor.

mirrortrue if image should be mirrored, false otherwise
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IDepthVisualParams.

Definition at line 735 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ setDepthResolution()

bool depthCameraDriver::setDepthResolution ( int  width,
int  height 

Set the resolution of the depth image from the camera.

widthimage width
heightimage height
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 500 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ setFeature() [1/2]

bool depthCameraDriver::setFeature ( int  feature,
double  value 

Set the requested feature to a value (saturation, brightness ... )

featurethe identifier of the feature to change
valuenew value of the feature, range from 0 to 1 expressed as a percentage
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 925 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ setFeature() [2/2]

bool depthCameraDriver::setFeature ( int  feature,
double  value1,
double  value2 

Set the requested feature to a value using 2 params (like white balance)

featurethe identifier of the feature to change
value1first param, from 0 to 1 expressed as a percentage
value2second param, from 0 to 1 expressed as a percentage
returns true if success, false otherwise (e.g. the interface is not implemented)

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 996 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ setMode()

bool depthCameraDriver::setMode ( int  feature,
FeatureMode  mode 

Set the requested mode for the feature.

featurethe identifier of the feature to change
auto_onofftrue to activate 'auto' mode, false to activate 'manual' mode
returns true on success, false on failure.

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1128 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ setOnePush()

bool depthCameraDriver::setOnePush ( int  feature)

Set the requested feature to a value (saturation, brightness ... )

featurethe identifier of the feature to change
valuenew value of the feature, from 0 to 1 as a percentage of param range
returns true on success, false on failure.

Implements yarp::dev::IFrameGrabberControls.

Definition at line 1180 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ setRgbFOV()

bool depthCameraDriver::setRgbFOV ( double  horizontalFov,
double  verticalFov 

Set the field of view (FOV) of the rgb camera.

horizontalFovwill set the value of the horizontal fov in degrees
verticalFovwill set the value of the vertical fov in degrees
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 547 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ setRgbMirroring()

bool depthCameraDriver::setRgbMirroring ( bool  mirror)

Set the mirroring setting of the sensor.

mirrortrue if image should be mirrored, false otherwise
true if success

Implements yarp::dev::IRgbVisualParams.

Definition at line 624 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

◆ setRgbResolution()

bool depthCameraDriver::setRgbResolution ( int  width,
int  height 

Set the resolution of the rgb image from the camera.

widthimage width
heightimage height
true on success

Implements yarp::dev::IRGBDSensor.

Definition at line 530 of file depthCameraDriver.cpp.

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